Build Hero Dota 2 BloodSeeker

oke sobat Gamer buat pemula Dota 2 kali ini ane bakal sharing tentang build hero Blood Seeker :D

BloodSeeker adalah hero Pemangsa (carry) kenapa ane bilang pemangsa??
ya karea skill 3 nya itu loh sobat gamer jika ada hero musuh sekarat skill 3 nya aktif bisa ngeliat
di mana posisi hero yang sekarat tanpa ada ward (eye) ter masuk hero Invissible juga kelihatan mau sembunyi d mana aja kelihatan. :D
bukan cuma skill 3 nya aja skil 1 nya kalo di pake trus kill hero atau creep bisa nambah darah, tapi minusnya ente jadi lembek, kalo ente d bunuh lawan pas skill 1 aktif lawan bsa nambah darah.
dan Skill Ultimatenya itu ngeri gan RUPTURE kaya di SANTETT!!!! jika musuh kena Ultinya semakin lawan mu jalan semakin drastis berkurang HP nya jalan satu satunya diem atau teleport pulang yang paling aman.

Name: BloodSeeker (Strygwyr)
Affiliation: Agility (Scourge)
Strength: 23 + 2
Agility*: 24 + 3Intelligence: 18 + 1.7
Damage: 53 - 59
Armor: 5.4
HP: 492
Mana: 234
Movespeed: 305

Range: 100 (melee)

Blood Rage
Behavior: Unit Target
Affects: Creeps, Heroes
Damage Type: Magical
Pierces Spell Immunity: Yes
Drives a unit into a bloodthirsty rage during which a unit deals, and takes, increased damage. Units affected by Bloodrage will be healed for a percentage of the max health of any units they kill. Units affected by Bloodrage when killed will heal a percentage of their max health to their killer.
Bloodrage can be cast on enemy and allied units, as well as Bloodseeker himself.
Only amplifies for half values when the damage dealer and the receiver are over 2200 range apart.
DURATION: 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
DAMAGE INCREASE: 25% / 30% / 35% / 40%
KILL HEAL PERCENTAGE: 19% / 21% / 23% / 25%
Cooldown 12/10/8/6
Mana Cost 0

Blood Rite
Blood Rite
Behavior: Point Target
Damage Type: Pure
Pierces Spell Immunity: No
Bloodseeker baptizes an area in sacred blood. After 3.0 seconds the ritual completes, causing any enemies caught in the area to take damage and become silenced.
Total time is a 2.6 second delay plus a 0.4 second cast time.
SILENCE DURATION: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
DAMAGE: 120 / 160 / 200 / 240
Cooldown 29/26/23/20
Mana Cost 100

Behavior: Passive
Pierces Spell Immunity: Yes
Bloodseeker is invigorated by the wounds of his enemies, gaining bonus movement speed and attack damage whenever an enemy hero's health falls below 75%, with the bonuses increasing as their health falls further. If an enemy hero's health falls below 25%, he will also gain vision and True Sight of that hero. Bonuses stack per hero.
Not triggered by Illusions.
Max movement speed and attack damage bonuses occur when an enemy's health is at or below 25%.
MAX THIRST MOVE SPEED: 10% / 20% / 30% / 40%
MAX THIRST DAMAGE: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40

Behavior: Unit Target
Affects: Enemy Units
Damage Type: Pure
Pierces Spell Immunity: Yes
Causes an enemy unit's skin to rupture. If the unit moves, it takes a percentage of the distance traveled as damage. The damage is dealt through spell immunity.
MOVE DAMAGE: 20% / 40% / 60%
Cooldown 60
Mana Cost 150/200/250


1. BloodRage
2. Thirst
3. Thirst
4. Thirst
5. Bloodrite
6. Rupture
7. Thirst
8-10. BloodRite
11. Rupture
12-14 Bloodrage
15. Attribute Bonus
16. Rupture
17 - 25. Attribute Bonus

Ini skill rekomdasi buat pemula kenapa Thirst di mentokin pertama??
karena skill pasive ini banyak kegunannya Nambah Move Speed, Atack Speed, Nambah Damage jika ada yang sekarat.
Kenapa gak skill bloodrage kan nambah darah saat bunuh creep?
resiko ambil skil ini anda jadi lemah tapi damage gede, kalo sudah ahli creeping boleh di mentokin pertama.


Item awal:
Queling Blade

Item lanjutan:
1. ane sih suka pake spatu PhaseBoot
nambah damage gede sama movr speed bisa di boost. jadiin dulu ini sepatu.

2. Blade Mail, nah ini item penting buat nyerang dan pertahanan, back damagenya ngebantu ngurangi HP lawan. caranya Rupture-Silent-pake Blade Mail-Tabok dah lawan :D

3. Sange Yasha, item ini banyak keuntunganya nambah ATK speed, Move Speed, Slow juga. nambah HP.

Item Late game:

1. Basher, item ini gunanya untuk bikin lawan pusing buat gagalin teleport cocok buat duelan 1vs1

2.Shadow Blade, item buat kabur atau nyulik lawan yang lagi sendiri. kalo mau bisa d Upgrade ke silver edge

3. Heart Of tarasque, ini buat memeprtebal HP agan cocok buat build semi-tank bila perlu 2

Saran Item:
ini saran Item jika lawan agan banyak Magic Sakit
Bikin BKB, buat kebal magic ini penting kalo lawan punya hero magic sakit atau are stun

oke itu build BloodSeeker veri saya gan,, THX :D

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